
After a short historical introduction, the article provides an overview of the current talent support trends in Hungary. It gives an insight into the legislation, guidelines and institutional system associated with the national talent support strategy, and presents the main NGO initiatives present in the early 21st century, in particular the organisations brought to life by the Hungarian Talent Support Council and their effect on current education policy. At the same time, the article seeks to present the strengths and weaknesses of the national talent support strategy and the Hungarian talent support cooperation model.


  • In order to operate the National Talent Programme, it is imperative to have permanent consultations/reconciliation regarding task division of the public sector and NGOs, as the lack of regular dialogue may be conducive to unreasonable arrangements

  • The present article has attempted to provide an overview of the traditions and emerging trends related to Hungarian talent education that have an established statutory framework

  • Several talent education issues associated with small-scale practice in Hungary, such as acceleration options, have not been discussed in detail

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Csilla Fuszek

Po kratkem zgodovinskem pregledu je v prispevku predstavljen pregled smernic na področju podpore talentiranim na Madžarskem. Podrobneje so predstavljeni zakonodaja, smernice in institucionalni sistem, povezan z nacionalno strategijo podpore talentiranim. Povzeti so glavne nevladne iniciative v začetku 21. Stoletja, še posebej organizacij, katerih nastanek je bil podprt v okviru Madžarskega sveta za podporo talentiranim (Hungarian Talent Support Council), ter njihov vpliv na trenutno izobraževalno politiko. Hkrati skuša prispevek predstaviti prednosti in slabosti nacionalnega sistema podpore nadarjenim in madžarski sodelovalni model podpore nadarjenim. Ključne besede: izobraževanje, strategija podpore nadarjenim, mreženje, sodelovalni model c e p s Journal | Vol.4 | No3 | Year 2014 57

Historical antecedents
The beginnings of institutional talent support
The Contribution of NGOs to the National Talent Support Programme
Civil society structures
Biographical note
Full Text
Paper version not known

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