
Behavioural economics has highlighted various biases that impact decision-making processes, including the pervasive status quo bias. This paper explores the impact of status quo bias indecision-making and its implications for policy interventions. The first section provides an overview of the status quo bias, its underlying mechanisms, and its prevalence across different domains. The second section investigates the consequences of status quo bias on individual decision-making, such as inertia, suboptimal choices, and resistance to change. Additionally, it discusses how status quo bias can lead to market inefficiencies and hinder social welfare. The third section explores potential policy interventions to mitigate the negative effects of status quo bias, including default options, nudges, and information provision. It also discusses the ethical considerations and potential limitations of these interventions. Understanding the role of status quo bias and its implications is crucial for policymakers and individuals alike, as it can inform the design of interventions that promote better decision-making and improve overall societal outcomes.

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