
Acute respiratory infections pose a constant threat to society and health care professionals. The effectiveness of face masks covering mouth and nose in reducing aerosol spread and curbing respiratory infection acquisition is well-studied. Despite enough beneficial evidence in favour of wearing masks, general population and the health care workers needs to be convinced to wear it and often enforcement is required for the same. This study was designed to study various barriers perceived and experienced with poor mask usage among hospital staff from an otorhinolaryngological perspective. An online survey was conducted to study the awareness of health care professionals and other hospital staff about advantages and disadvantages of mask use. Total 100 questionnaire based responses were obtained using this method. The participants included the ministerial staff, nursing and paramedical staff and faculty and residents of various medical and surgical specialties. The data thus collected was analyzed to identify the perceived benefits and limitations in mask usage. The participants wore surgical mask more commonly (50%) as compared to N95 respirator and cloth mask. 58% of the participants were using masks due to professional need. Majority (40%) used masks for a period ranging from 4 to 8 h in a day. Most of the participants realized that the masks offered protection from aerosols (90%) and more than 60% also mentioned that it helped in avoiding touching the face inadvertently. 62% participants complained of fogging of vision while wearing masks and approximately 50% reported pain due to tight elastic bands, difficulty breathing through mask and excessive sweating in the masked area In non-pharmaceutical measures to contain the aerosol-associated pandemics, face masks play an important precautionary role. It is cheap, easy to use and protects against respiratory infections, pollution and allergies. Certain minor issues like fogging of spectacles, and difficulty breathing through mask may need revisions in mask fabric and design.

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