
The classification of recurrence and non recurrence of Hepato Cellular carcinoma (HCC) outcome after Radio Frequency Ablation therapy is a critical task. Multiple time series clinical liver cancer dataset is collected from different dataset and time interval. A merging algorithm is used to merge all attributes collected from different sources in multiple time periods. In order to preserve the originality of information, statistical measures of each attribute is calculated and considered them as additional attributes for accurate prediction. However the merged dataset is unbalanced, in which, the number of samples from HCC recurrence class is much smaller than from HCC non recurrence. The feature weighting scheme select optimal features and parameter of classifiers are sequentially obtained from multiple iterations which causes higher computation time. In this paper, an efficient sampling approach is proposed using Inverse Random under Sampling (IRUS) to overcome class imbalance issue. IRUS under sample the majority class which creates a number of distinct partitions with a boundary separated minority and majority class samples. Additionally an optimization approach is proposed using Artificial Plant Optimization (APO) algorithm to select optimal features and parameters of classifiers to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of classification. The optimization approach reduces the number of iteration and computation time for feature selection and parameter selection for classifiers which classify the recurrence and non recurrence of HCC. Classify patients with HCC and without HCC based on optimal features and parameters by Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Random Forest(RF) classifiers. Finally, the experimental results are conducted to prove the effectiveness of the proposed method over existing method in terms of accuracy, specificity, sensitivity and balanced accuracy.

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