
In order to estimate the contribution of low surface brightness (LSB) galaxies to the local (z 18 at the limiting surface brightness of mu_{B,lim}=25.2+-0.31 mag/arcsec^2. Of these 306 galaxies, 148 were not catalogued previously. Our results indicate that low surface brightness galaxies contribute at least to 30 % to the local galaxy number density. Without additional distance information, choosing the limiting diameter and the surface brightness at which the diameter is measured is crucial. Depending on these choices, diameter-limited optical catalogues are either biased against LSB galaxies, or contaminated with cosmologically dimmed high surface brightness galaxies, which affects the implied surface brightness distribution. The comparison to the AHISS showed that although optical surveys detect more galaxies per deg^2 than HI surveys, their drawback is the need for spectroscopic follow up observations to derive distances. Blind HI surveys have no diameter limits, but tend to miss gas-poor galaxies and all galaxies which lie outside their redshift limits. HI and optical surveys thus provide complementary information and sample different parts of the LSB galaxy population.

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