
The fine structure and surface exopolymers of a coastal planktonic nanodiatom of the sparsely reported genus Extubocellulus were studied respectively by scanning electron microscopy and confocal microscopy in conjunction with fluorescent lectins. Monitoring the suitability of the species as prey food for other protists was also investigated by video microscopy coupled with digital film. Cells are rectangular in girdle view, with a pervalvar axis longer than the apical axis. Valves are almost circular with a diameter of 2.8 to 3.6 microm. The valve face bears randomly distributed areolae (ca. 50 in 10 microm), which may be either open or occluded. Two small raised ocelluli occur at the apices, with a rim devoid of perforations and about 6-7 porelli. Glucose and N-acetyl-glucosamine moieties present on the surface of the live diatom were labelled with fluorescent lectins, and a differential pattern of distribution for both carbohydrates was observed. The potential role of fluorescent lectins as cellular probes of taxonomic value in small diatoms is compared with that of nucleotide and antibody probes. We provide the first illustrative evidence of the presence of Extubocellulus sp. in the cytoplasm of the nanoflagellate Goniomonas amphinema and of the egestion of diatom frustules. Results obtained are discussed in the light of the present knowledge of the role of carbohydrate-protein interactions in phagocytosis of prey by free-living protozoa.

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