
Despite efforts to reduce air pollutants, particularly in the coal power plant and industrial sectors, the Ostrava region of the Czech Republic continues to experience episodes of high pollutant concentrations, especially during the fall and winter seasons. A short–term pilot investigation was conducted to improve understanding of air pollution sources that may be impacting the Ostrava’s air quality. Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) samples were collected in consecutive 12–hour day and night increments during spring and fall 2012 sampling campaigns. Sampling sites were strategically located to evaluate conditions in close proximity of a large steel works industrial complex, as well as away from direct influence of the industrial complex. These samples were analyzed for metals, organic and elemental (black) carbon, and selected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The PM2.5 samples were supplemented with continuous monitoring of gases and meteorological parameters. On average, the fine particulate matter mass concentrations during the fall were more than twice the average concentrations during the spring at each sampling site. Likewise, concentrations for most individual species were higher in the fall than in the spring. However, concentrations of crustal elements were higher in the spring than in the fall. Diurnal differences in fine mass concentrations were less pronounced than seasonal differences, with concentrations slightly higher at night at each site. The summed PAH concentrations increased with proximity to the industrial complex. Overall, the results indicate a source or group of sources to the northeast of all sampling sites that contributes significantly to the fine particle mass concentrations in the fall, and competes with contributions from the local industrial complex in the spring. The data presented here provide a qualitative overview of the results and form a solid foundation for the application of source apportionment models to be presented elsewhere.

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