
Information is presented on the nature, extent and spatial distribution of waterlogged areas and salt-affected soils, derived through systematic visual interpretation of standard false colour composite (FCC) prints on a 1:100 000 scale generated from the Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS-1B) Linear Imaging Self-scanning Sensor (LISS-I) and Landsat–Thematic Mapper (TM) data for the Nagarjunsagar Right Bank Canal Command Area, Andhra Pradesh. A total of 1710 ha of land in the coastal region has been found to be waterlogged. Salt-affected soils cover an area of 42 800 ha, with saline–sodic soils covering 28 480 ha emerging as the dominant category. To make optimal use of these lands and to prevent further degradation both preventive and ameliorative measures have been advocated. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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