
This paper proposes a new multidimensional coordinate space that is called “The Mega-DisksNetworks Mapping (MDN-Mapping).” The MDN-Mapping captures a large amount of information from n-dimensionsin the same graphical space and time. Therefore, the MDN-Mapping creates the possibility to visualize a largenumber of endogenous and exogenous variables that are distributed and interconnected in different Nano-Disks(j), Micro-Disks (k), Sub-Disks (L), and General-Disks (m) without any visual restriction respectively. Now, it ispossible to observe how infinity endogenous variables are moving together with infinity exogenous variables simultaneouslyin the same graphical space. At the same time, we can visualize how all these variables interact togetherthrough the visualization a large number of asymmetric spiral-shaped figures with n-faces that keeps changingalways. This asymmetric spiral-shaped figures with n-faces can experience anytime an expansion or contractionthat depend on different changes from any Nano-Disk (j) until arrive to the Mega-Disk (I¾) (or the mega-arithmeticmean). Keywords: Econographicology, Multi-Dimensional graphs and Multi-Dimensional Geometry

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