
This study presents an internally consistent thermodynamic dataset for aqueous species in the system Ca-Mg-Na-K-Al-Si-O-H-C-Cl, obtained by adding species of calcium, magnesium and carbon to the core system Na-K-Al-Si-O-H-Cl (Miron and others, 2016). Critically evaluated experimental data on mineral solubility (Ca and Mg hydroxides, Ca and Mg silicates, anorthite, Ca and Mg carbonates) in water and aqueous electrolyte solutions over wide ranges in temperature and pressure were added to the database of experimental data. The complete experimental dataset was then used to simultaneously refine the standard state Gibbs energies of all aqueous ions and complexes in the framework of the revised Helgeson-Kirkham-Flowers (HKF) equation of state. The thermodynamic properties of the solubility-controlling minerals were accepted from the internally consistent dataset of Holland and Powell (1998; updated Thermocalc dataset ds55). The association equilibria of important hydroxide, chloride, carbonate and silicate complexes were critically reviewed, and their standard state properties and HKF parameters were independently derived from conductance, potentiometric and, in a few cases, solubility measurements. In a global optimization of standard Gibbs energies of aqueous species, performed with the GEMSFITS code (Miron and others, 2015), the association equilibria for aqueous complexes were always maintained. The new thermodynamic dataset reproduces all available fluid-mineral phase equilibria and mineral solubility data in the system Ca-Mg-Na-K-Al-Si-O-H-C-Cl with good accuracy over wide ranges in temperature (25–800 °C), pressure (1 bar – 5 kbar) and composition (salt concentrations up to 5 molal). This makes it possible to perform geochemical and reactive transport modeling of processes in natural and engineered georeservoirs over wide ranges of conditions with an unprecedented level of accuracy and reliability and to address processes of fluid flow and fluid-rock interaction in the Earth9s crust from a new perspective. Using the same strategy as applied in the present study, the internally consistent thermodynamic dataset can be further extended with additional major and trace elements, and the data refinement process can be repeated when new experimental data or next-generation equation of state or activity models for aqueous solutions become available.

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