
An on-line oil monitoring system offers a suitable solution to the practical problemsencountered in monitoring the conditions of machinery equipment. The objective ofthis paper is to present a systematic method for analysing wear particles in thelubricant used in a diesel engine, in a laboratory setting. An integrated on-line oilmonitoring system, which combines an inductive transducer with a fibre optictransducer, was developed to primitive design stage and some experiments havebeen done. The inductance transducer, whose operation is based on an inductivemeasurement technique, can detect large ferrous and non-ferrous wear debris. Aparticle’s material properties reflect its origin, and the frequency can be usedfor estimating wear particle size. The fibre optic transducer can detect smallparticles and is used for inspection of oil contamination levels. The integrated systemcombines the virtues of two measurement methods, extends the detection range andmeaningfully improves the reliability of oil monitoring. So it has great promise and thereare prospects for application as soon as the solutions to certain problems arefound.

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