
The capabilities of new generation wireless networks can be utilized in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) to provide improved collision warnings, traffic information and infotainment applications. Information about one vehicle can be forwarded to another vehicle by configuring the IEEE 802.11p standard protocol with security until it reaches a Road Side Unit (RSU) providing autonomous vehicles with secure information such as the speed and direction of the approaching vehicle. This paper evaluates the performance of Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) based Routing with Improved QoS and Security for VANETs (RIQSV) by comparing the metrics delay and jitter with the AODV protocol for vehicular ad hoc networks with QoS without security. Packet level encryption/decryption of the data is carried out using substitution cyphers to provide additional security apart from that offered by the 1609.2. The QoS metrics were measured at three RSUs, averaged over a 2-min period with 0.07 s time interval. Results indicate substantial reduction in average delay and jitter of traffic, proving this suitable for real-time traffic with delay guarantees.

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