
Bone defects around the teeth affect a large portion of the population. Bone regeneration in the area of existing teeth is completely different from that in an edentulous area. To date, no method has been developed for three-dimensional (3D) bone reconstruction in regions with preserved teeth. This study aimed to radiologically evaluate the results of the new method of 3D mandibular bone reconstruction in preserved dentition using a custom-made allogeneic bone block with a 6-month follow-up. Alveolar ridge dimensions were radiographically assessed before and 6 months after reconstruction using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans in 32 patients (192 teeth). Reconstruction used a bone block that had been previously planned and prepared using CAD/CAM technology. The observed changes in alveolar bone dimensions were highly significant in most cases (p < 0.001). The closer to the tooth root apex, the lower the bone growth in the sagittal dimension (average of the mean values for each tooth examined in the measured heights): CEJ2: 2.9 mm, ½ CEJ2: 2.7 mm, ¼ CEJ2: 1.9 mm, and API: 1.4 mm. The maximum bone growth in the vertical dimension was observed on tooth 43 (9.9 mm), followed by 32 (9.8 mm), 33 (8.5 mm), 31 (8.4 mm), 42 (8 mm), and 41 (7 mm). The degree of decrease in vestibular dehiscence of the bone was greater the closer the tooth was to the midline (average of -3.8 mm and -3.4 mm for the central incisors; average of -2.8 mm and -2.6 mm for the lateral incisors; average of -2.6 mm and -2.5 mm for the canines). The results prove that it is possible to prevent bone dehiscence in patients undergoing orthodontic treatment, increasing the ability and effectiveness of covering recessions and improving the morphology of the lower part of the face.

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