
A new high temperature solid particulate erosion test system has been designed and built to improve the quality of high temperature erosion tests. The new test system is designed to carry out experiments at temperatures up to 900°C and particle velocities up to 300ms−1. A key feature is the use of commercial “air torch” technology to provide the necessary high air flow rates at elevated temperature giving the whole system a relatively small footprint. Measurements of erosion rate are revolutionised by two different forms of in-line measurement of wear to the sample. This new technology largely replaces the need for interrupting the test, cooling the test samples, and weighing at periodic intervals which can mean that a test with a total exposure of 30min to erosion by particles at high temperature can take most of a week. The two new technologies employed use a high precision balance to measure the in situ weight of the samples whilst they are still at test temperature, and the use of a custom designed blue laser triangulation system to measure the shape of the wear scars in situ and at temperature.The use of the new test system is illustrated by preliminary results of experiments from coated and uncoated Nimonic 80A.

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