
After the World Health Organization had declared a pandemic of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on March 11, 2020 many governments, including the Government of Spain, declared the state of alarm enforcing a quarantine that have left millions of students confined to their homes. This home confinement has affected students of all levels, including university students, and has forced faculties to adapt online teaching strategies. Thus, traditional classroom face-to-face teaching has suddenly been replaced by online classes. This has revealed particularly challenging for medical courses. For such purpose we have designed an online teaching proposal addressed to the Degree in Physiotherapy and the Double Degree in Nursing and Physiotherapy of the University of Jaén (Spain). The objective is to implement an online virtual teaching protocol through the use of Virtual Reality. For such a goal, the Leap Motion Controller (LMC) will be used to teach the neuroanatomy of the brain and spinal cord and to teach and practice neurorehabilitation exercises. Along with devices like the LMC students will be asked to use Health Sciences databases in order to achieve a significative learning of the course topics. The project is structured in two phases. First, students will learn neuroanatomy and neurophysiology of the most relevant neurological conditions using LMC-based models. Then, they will learn to combine LMC games and conventional physiotherapy for neurorehabilitation purposes. The work of students will include the recording of videoreports demonstrating the acquisition of neuroanatomy concepts and simulating a clinical case. With this project we will assess the usability of LMC as an educative tool, the perception, satisfaction and self-regulated learning of physiotherapy students.


  • Impact of COVID-19 in University Health Sciences Teaching and LearningThe World Health Organization (WHO) country office in China, reported the first case of the new coronavirus “COVID-19 (SARSCoV-2) in Wuham (China) on December 31, 2019 (Ammar et al, 2021)

  • We pretend to remark the importance of introducing virtual learning strategies to get a successful training during the home confinement period, when students with low motivation or bad study habits may fail in the learning process

  • We consider that the use of Virtual Reality (VR) tools will reduce such disadvantages, and students involved in the project will develop significative learning of the topics studied, as well as practical and professional abilities

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Impact of COVID-19 in University Health Sciences Teaching and LearningThe World Health Organization (WHO) country office in China, reported the first case of the new coronavirus “COVID-19 (SARSCoV-2) in Wuham (China) on December 31, 2019 (Ammar et al, 2021). With the aim to reduce the curve of contagions and deaths, health authorities of most countries established social distancing measures between population (de la Fuente et al, 2021) and declarated a home confinement and quarantine (Jiang et al, 2020) that has been the most severe disruption of normal lifestyles in history (Hossain et al, 2020). This home confinement forced to interrupt face-to-face teaching in schools, institutes and universities (Stokes, 2020). To reduce students discomfort, different authors have reported the positive emotional effects of home physical exercise or active lifestyle during quarantine (Bentlage et al, 2020; Chtourou et al, 2020), which can increase academic performance during COVID19 (Bentlage et al, 2020)

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