
A hexameric metal-organic nanocapsule is assembled from pyrogallol[4]arene units, which are stitched together with indium ions. This indium-seamed capsule is the first instance of a M24 L6 type hexameric coordination cage held together exclusively by trivalent metal ions. Explicitly, unlike previously reported pyrogallol[4]arene-based metal-seamed capsules, the current In3+ seamed capsule is entirely supported by O→In coordinate bonds. This work demonstrates the important proof of concept of the ability of pyrogallol[4]arene to react with metals in higher oxidation states to assemble into atomically-precise hexameric coordination cages. As such, these results open up exciting avenues toward the assembly of previously unanticipated metal-organic capsules, for example offering inspiration for tackling metals exhibiting high valence states such as in the lanthanide and actinide series.

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