
The Exploratory study was conducted on 120 mothers of children from 6months to 2years of age regarding complementary feeding in selected rural areas of district faridkot, Punjab. Questionnaire was prepared to assess the knowledge and practices among mothers of children from 6 months to 2 years of age regarding complementary feeding. Sampling technique was non – probability purposive sampling. The data was collected and analyzed by using SSPS version 20 by descriptive and inferential statistics Chi square value. The study had revealed that majority of mothers that was 72,5% had average knowledge,25% mothers had good knowledge and 2.5% mothers had poor knowledge. Maximum 50% of the mothers had unsatisfied practices and 49% mothers had satisfied practices. The mean and standard deviation of knowledge 19.46 and ±3.6 respectively and practices 16.4 and ±1.7 respectively. There was a moderate correlation between knowledge and practices score that is r=0.4. There is no significant relationship between knowledge and practices with their selected demographic variables such as Age of children, age of mother, education of mother, occupation of mother, number of children, type of family, monthly income of family, religion of family, dietary habits of family, source of information. From the finding of the study following conclusions were drawn that the knowledge of mothers of children regarding complementary feeding was average.

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