
Relevance. Timely tertiary assistance is the most important predictor of victim survival; for this, fairly fast patient transfer directly to a specialized institution or rapid arrival of highly qualified doctors are required. Here, rescuers and medical personnel should cooperate. However, so-called sanitary aviation defined as a single service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Health actually cannot operate in the Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR), Republic of Ukraine, during the armed conflict. Functions of sanitary aviation in the LPR are assigned to the Emergency and Elective Advisory Service and Medical Evacuation Department of the Lugansk Republican Center for Emergency Medical Care and Disaster Medicine (Center). Intention. Summarize the experience of organizing the work of the Emergency and Elective Advisory Medical Aid and Medical Evacuation Department of the Lugansk Republican Center for Emergency Medical Care and Disaster Medicine over the first year of operation. Methodology. The sources of information for this purpose were official statistical data (plans and reports of the Center, reports of public health institutions of the LPR). Results and Discussion. The analysis showed that emergency and planned consultative specialized medical assistance to individuals in the territory of the LPR in the context of unfinished armed conflict is rendered both outside the health care institution, and in the settings of any LPR hospital free of charge round-the-clock and without delay in the mode of daily activities and high availability. More than 75 highly qualified medical professionals work in the department of the Center, of which 9 have doctorate degrees. For their transportation, specialized sanitary vehicles with up-to-date equipment are used (based on the Peugeot Boxer and Ford Transit). However, their deficiency amounts to 90%. On-site and further assistance in the evacuation process includes various interventions, anesthesia and intensive care, and television and medical technology. In general, over 2016 the Department received 1230 calls, of which 640 – from medical institutions in Lugansk, the rest – from the regions of the Republic. At the same time, 1336 patients (956 adults and 380 children) were examined and 249 surgical procedures were performed on site (195 adults and 54 children). The staff of Center also deliver medical equipment, blood, medicines etc. to the health care institutions of the LPR. The Center significantly improved the quality of tertiary medical care for the population in case of sudden diseases and life-threatening conditions in remote areas of the LPR. Conclusion. It is necessary to resolve issues with modern equipment of sanitary transport, training in emergency medical care using algorithms with proven effectiveness, as well as establishing interactions between the specialists of the Center and the health care institutions of the LNR to improve the outcomes of medical and sanitary care for the population of the LPR in the context of the unfinished armed conflict.


  • -called sanitary aviation defined as a single service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Health cannot operate in the Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR), Republic of Ukraine, during the armed conflict

  • Functions of sanitary aviation in the LPR are assigned to the Emergency and Elective Advisory Service and Medical Evacuation Department of the Lugansk Republican Center for Emergency Medical Care and Disaster Medicine (Center)

  • The analysis showed that emergency and planned consultative specialized medical assistance to individuals in the territory of the LPR in the context of unfinished armed conflict is rendered both outside the health care institution, and in the settings of any LPR hospital free of charge round-the-clock and without delay in the mode of daily activities and high availability

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Результаты и их анализ

Отдел ЭиПКМПиМЭ в своей деятельности дел ЭиПКМПиМЭ Центра: руководствуется уставом Центра, коллек – оказание экстренной и неотложной тивным договором, положением об отделе, специализированной медицинской помо а также иными нормативными правовыми щи населению ЛНР с целью ее приближения актами, действующими на территории ЛНР. к жителям сельской местности, отдаленных. Финансовое обеспечение мероприятий стоянии и нуждающихся в медицинской эва по оказанию экстренной (скорой) специали куации, в специализированные учреждения зированной медицинской помощи, выполня здравоохранения; емых отделом ЭиПКМПиМЭ Центра, произ – проведении медицинской эвакуации по водится за счет средств государственного страдавших и больных в республиканские бюджета ЛНР. Заявок от медицинских организаций ЛНР Наряду с этим, сотрудники отдела на осуществление экстренной, неотложной ЭиПКМПиМЭ могут проводить экстренную и плановой специализированной медицин доставку в медицинские организации ЛНР ме ской помощи. Стояния пострадавшего (больного), ука Создание отдела ЭиПКМПиМЭ Центра занных трудностей в диагностике и других позволило повысить качество оказания экс причин формируется состав бригады из тренной специализированной медицинской врачей-специалистов (консультантов), сред помощи населению в отдаленных и трудно него медперсонала и водителя санитарно доступных районах ЛНР при внезапных за го транспорта с обязательным назначени болеваниях и угрожаемых жизни состояниях, ем старшего врача бригады. Показатели экстренной специализированной медицинской помощи взрослому населению ЛНР, оказанной сотрудниками отдела ЭиПКМПиМЭ Центра за 2016 г

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