
Two experiments were conducted to assess the correlations of residue features with some perceptual properties of voice disorders. First, 90 samples of the vowel /a/ produced by patients with various vocal pathologies were analyzed to obtain the residue features, and severity judgments of these vowel samples were obtained. The results of linear multiple regression analysis indicated that the features were highly correlated with the severity ratings. Second, an attempt was made to correlate the residue features with voice qualities. The features were calculated for the vowel /a/ produced by patients with vocal nodules, vocal fold paralysis, and vocal polyps and by normal talkers. Each vowel sample was rated on ten scales of voice quality. The results revealed high correlations among the quality scales so that discrete subject groups could not be formed. Thus, residue features may be useful in assessing the degree of vocal impairment, but their use as correlates of voice quality must await further research.

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