
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this paper is to focus on entrepreneurship in the field of music therapy, past trends, current practices, and future directions. The first section of this paper includes personal reflections by the author regarding establishing a business and uses those reflections to illustrate concepts and principles associated with successful entrepreneurship. Then the author describes the current state of practice regarding entrepreneurship and music therapy. Entrepreneurship including self-employment or serving agencies on a contractual and consulting basis has grown considerably in the past few decades. Wikipedia defines as a) an innovator-one who recognizes opportunities and organizes resources to take advantage of the opportunity; and b) someone who assumes the financial risk of beginning and managing a new venture, whatever that might be (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entrepreneurship). CFDC's Glossary of Business Terms states that entrepreneurship can refer to a new idea, a new way of doing something, a new location, or just attempting to get something done that has not been done before (http://www.cfdccariboo.com/glossary.htm). Becoming an entrepreneur begins with having an entrepreneurial conversation with yourself and with others around you. You have to think like a successful entrepreneur; you have to listen like a successful entrepreneur; and you have to speak like a successful entrepreneur. Some of the characteristics and traits of entrepreneurs are: visionary, stable, committed to goals, decisive, risk-taker, persistent, self-confident, and optimistic (Rogoff & Corbett, 2005). Millions of people in the United States have established small businesses. Many of these enterprising individuals simply grew tired of working for other people and decided to launch their own businesses (Moss, 2005). The book Starting from Scratch (Moss, 2005) is an excellent resource for individuals creating their own businesses. Moss has identified four common steps that entrepreneurs master on their way to entrepreneurial success. He calls these steps the HUNT: 1) Harness what you have. Identify your inherent skills and figure out something tangible you love-a product or trade you are proud to be associated with; 2) Underestimate your obstacles. Define a vision and mentally bypass the multitude of things that can go wrong or stand in your way; 3) Notice your network. Find those around you who can assist you in realizing your vision and utilize the leverage that others provide in reaching your goal; and 4) Take the first step. Develop a bias toward action, (pp. xvi-xvii) What are some of the signs that you might be ready for a HUNT that is suitable for an entrepreneurial venture? Do you often get that sick feeling on Sunday night as you think about the daily grind awaiting you on Monday? Do you daydream about the joys of being your own boss? Do you sketch out plans for your own business, one that actually excites and inspires you? If so, you have reached the tipping point-that critical moment when you know you are ready to give up the security of being employed or the frustration of being underemployed for the freedom of your own enterprise. According to Guy (2005), some of the reasons that music therapists become business owners include the ability to set their own schedule, freedom to select their preferred population and/or setting, independence from a boss/corporate setting, and the need to create a new job. Flexibility, confidence, and motivation are characteristics that help them move towards success. If you are thinking about changing careers or working for yourself, learn from the counsel of savvy mentors in the music therapy and related fields. Then, turn your entrepreneurial dream into reality. My challenge to the reader is to dream big! There are really huge opportunities in the music therapy profession, and some of us need to expand our dreams and put aside our fears of risk taking. …

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