
The distributed blocking flowshop scheduling problem (DBFSP) plays an essential role in the manufacturing industry and has been proven to be as a strongly NP-hard problem. In this paper, an ensemble discrete differential evolution (EDE) algorithm is proposed to solve the blocking flowshop scheduling problem with the minimization of the makespan in the distributed manufacturing environment. In the EDE algorithm, the candidates are represented as discrete job permutations. Two heuristics method and one random strategy are integrated to provide a set of desirable initial solution for the distributed environment. The front delay, blocking time and idle time are considered in these heuristics methods. The mutation, crossover and selection operators are redesigned to assist the EDE algorithm to execute in the discrete domain. Meanwhile, an elitist retain strategy is introduced into the framework of EDE algorithm to balance the exploitation and exploration ability of the EDE algorithm. The parameters of the EDE algorithm are calibrated by the design of experiments (DOE) method. The computational results and comparisons demonstrated the efficiency and effectiveness of the EDE algorithm for the distributed blocking flowshop scheduling problem.

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