
Biometric systems are technically used for human recognition by identifying the unique features of an individual. Many security issues are found related to biometric systems such as voice, fingerprints, face, iris, signatures, etc., but the retina is a unique and efficient method to identify valid one. The aim of this paper is provided with an efficient method to recognize someone based on unique retina features. A proposed system based on retinal blood vessel pattern by using multi-scale local binary pattern (MSLBP) and random forest (Bagging tree) as feature extraction and classification. MSLBP is an efficient method to extracted features at six scales perpixel level, earlier work found the deficiency based on simple binary pattern with coverage of small areas and per-pixel level in the surrounding. MSLBP and random forest classifier suggested approach use for improving usability, perceivability, and sensitivity on large scale areas. It is the fastest method to get features accurately in an efficient way at every level of pixels. This method based on deep learning evaluation (criteria) parameter selection that provides more significant influence with sharp feature extraction on large scale areas based on seconds and improves the efficiency of images. MSLBP overcomes the problem of image sizing, pixel levels and efficiently provide accurate results.

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