
Most pattern mining techniques almost singularly focus on identifying frequent patterns and very less attention has been paid to the generation of rare patterns. However, in several domains, recognizing less frequent but strongly related patterns have greater advantage over the former ones. Identification of compelling and meaningful rare associations among such patterns may proved to be significant for air quality management that has become an indispensable task in today’s world. The rare correlations between air pollutants and other parameters may aid in restricting the air pollution to a manageable level. To this end, efficient and competent rare pattern mining techniques are needed that can generate the complete set of rare patterns, further identifying significant rare association rules among them. Moreover, a notable issue with databases is their continuous update over time due to the addition of new records. The users requirement or behavior may change with the incremental update of databases that makes it difficult to determine a suitable support threshold for the extraction of interesting rare association rules. This paper, presents an efficient rare pattern mining technique to capture the complete set of rare patterns from a real environmental dataset. The proposed approach does not restart the entire mining process upon threshold update and generates the complete set of rare association rules in a single database scan. It can effectively perform incremental mining and also provides flexibility to the user to regulate the value of support threshold for generating the rare patterns. Significant rare association rules representing correlations between air pollutants and other environmental parameters are further extracted from the generated rare patterns to identify the substantial causes of air pollution. Performance analysis shows that the proposed method is more efficient than existing rare pattern mining approaches in providing significant directions to the domain experts for air pollution monitoring.

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