
An arabinogalactan-protein (AGP) from whole grain of oat (Avena sativa L.) has been isolated for the first time by double precipitation with β-glucosyl Yariv reagent and characterized with regard to its polysaccharide and protein part. The large carbohydrate moiety is rich in galactose (63.0% w/w) and arabinose (32.8% w/w) and free of uronic acids. Linkage analysis of AGP and its products obtained by partial acid hydrolysis as well as enzymatic degradation with specific recombinant enzymes revealed that the carbohydrate moiety consists of a 1,3-Galp backbone and is linked in position 6 to short 1,6-Galp chains, terminating in Araf. In the protein part, high contents of alanine, hydroxyproline and serine could be found which are typical for AGPs. The molecular mass of AGP was determined to be 83 kDa. The carbohydrate moieties, released by alkaline degradation of the protein part, had a size of about 7 kDa. Consequently, the overall structure of the AGP from oat could be assigned to be consistent with the wattle-blossom model of AGPs.

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