
To create an animal model of type II endoleaks after endoluminal deployment of a specially designed stent-graft (SG). Five swine were used. A tsuzumi drum-shaped SG consisting of a covered Z stent with its diameter narrowed at the center was deployed in the midthoracic aorta. In this way, a residual space (RS) was created between the aortic wall and the graft to simulate an aneurysm sac. A 5-F catheter was placed into the RS, and then aortography, RS angiography, and pressure measurements were performed. Follow-up was performed at 3 and 10 days after the procedure. Mean pressure indexes (MPIs) were calculated as the ratio of the mean RS pressure to the aortic pressure. Histologic examination was also performed. RSs with two or three pairs of intercostal arteries were successfully created in all cases. Aortography showed two type II endoleaks in five swine just after SG deployment and four type II endoleaks at 10 days. RS angiography showed circulation between the RS and the intercostal arteries in all cases. The mean MPI was 69.4% +/- 10.4% just after SG deployment and increased to 87.8% +/- 5.2% at 10 days. By gross examination, RS patency was retained. A swine model of type II endoleaks was successfully created endoluminally. This model does not require direct surgery to the aorta and its side branches and promises to be useful to study the mechanism of and therapy for type II endoleaks.

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