
The aim of the work is the correlation and regression modeling of the dependence of the quintile coefficient of funds (the ratio of income of the 20% group of the richest population to the income of the 20% group of the poorest) on gross domestic product per capita in various regions of Russia in the considered economic units. Based on the simulation results, an analysis of world trends of the studied dependence is carried out and their comparison with Russian trends in the development of the digital economy. As a result of the analysis, a number of reasons for the inconsistency of Russia's indicators with global trends in socio-economic development and measures that could improve the situation are considered. For research, the method of correlation and regression analysis was chosen, in which regression was used to assess global trends according to the International Monetary Fund, and for the direct analysis of the data obtained, the correlation dependence of the studied phenomena was used. As a result, a number of measures were proposed to improve the socio-economic condition of the Russian regions, thanks to which the conditions for sustainable balanced development will be formulated for the regions. In addition, the article discusses a number of problems of modern public administration in Russia. The consequences in the socio-economic situation to which the management strategy has led are analyzed. Measures to reduce social aggravation are designed primarily to create sufficient domestic production, which will be able to provide economic growth of the Russian Federation in the future.

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