
Given the immediate circumstances of the looming Covid-19 pandemic, now more than ever it is important for vaccinations to be given and received. Far from the celebration that a vaccine for this deadly disease should have received, there is more controversy surrounding the creation and administration of lifesaving covid-19 vaccines than was ever expected. Whether a continuation of administrative disdain for the vaccine or push back based on actual health consequences, an age of precaution and hesitancy has been ushered in surrounding vaccine utilization. To better observe this concept, one must first understand the root of vaccine hesitancy, one avenue of which stems from the use of stem cells in the production and manufacturing of vaccines. Once familiar with the concept of stem cell use and vaccine production a closer look must be taken into specifically the use of stem cells in the current production of the covid-19 vaccine, given the huge backlash it has received in the public and media. From here, a broader explanation of anti-vaccination narratives was analyzed, concentrating on the three main defenses for these stances. Following this analysis, a comparative of the three common vaccines available on the market, Moderna, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson, including their performance in human trials and efficacy studies is discussed. This article focuses on identifying the foundation of vaccine science while offering a descriptive explanation of Covid-19 vaccination research completed.

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