
We study models that interpolate between an elementary and a composite Higgs boson. Such models, arising in theories with new vector-like fermions with electroweak quantum numbers and charged under a confining gauge interaction, are entirely compatible with current data, with only weak bounds from flavor, CP-violation and precision tests. After classifying the models from the point of view of symmetries, we study their collider phenomenology at LHC. In the most relevant scenarios, bounds from present searches exclude heavy scalar isospin triplets and quintuplets up to ∼ 200 GeV and we show how dedicated searches of simple signals such as pp → 3γW could improve the reach by at least a factor of 2 with present data, reaching O(1 TeV) with higher integrated luminosities. States that mix with the SM Higgs can be tested in a variety of final states, such as 2b2γ searches relevant for double Higgs production.


  • In this work we overview and extend studies on strongly coupled extensions of the SM that do not break the electro-weak symmetry [1]

  • The dynamics is such that the electro-weak symmetry breaking (EWSB) is driven by the elementary Higgs but the elementary and composite Higgses mix so that the observed particle interpolates between these two states

  • The possibility of a strongly coupled sector lying at the TeV scale is allowed by indirect constraints when it does not play a major role in the breaking of the electro-weak symmetry

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Electro-weak preserving strong dynamics

The class of models we consider is defined by the presence of new fermions vectorial under the SM gauge group and charged under a new (dark) gauge group that confines around the TeV scale. They are described by the renormalizable lagrangian. The mass matrix is analogous to the one of neutralinos in supersymmetry with the notable difference that the fermions are charged under the dark force. Notice that this expression is valid in general, for SO(N ) and Sp(N ) V c = V and N = N c are Majorana fermions. For example V in SO(N ) gives rise to an isospin quintuplet while in SU(N ) a triplet exists

Dynamics in the condensed phase
Symmetries of the model
Precision constraints on the almost elementary Higgs
Higgs couplings
Electro-weak precision tests
Flavor and CP bounds
Summary of precision constraints
LHC collider limits
K doublet
B Multiphoton backgrounds
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Paper version not known

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