
The aim of this paper is to provide detailed information concerning the hardware and software needed to design and construct a system for the continuous growth of algae, employing a computer-controlled variable dynamic light regime. The light intensity is controlled by adjusting the angular displacement of slats of a Venetian blind with the help of a stepper motor. The software developed allows the simulation of nature-related light flux regimes occurring in stratified water columns, mixed water columns with optically clear water, and mixed water columns with optically dense water. The light period, circulation time and attenuation coefficient can be chosen freely. Different light regimes with equal total light doses can be generated with the help of mathematical equations developed for this purpose. The software developed is of the Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) type and operates in the background, thus allowing the computer to be used for other tasks. The system can be used to investigate algal growth and photosynthesis in relation to a dynamic light regime. The characteristics of the light regimes applied during the Vth GAP workshop are presented. The results of these experiments will be described in subsequent papers.

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