
Steady-state fluorescence imaging can be used in conjunction with selective exogenous or endogenous fluorescent compounds for the diagnosis of skin lesions, for example cancerous lesions. Depending on the excitation and emission properties of the fluorescent compound used, various excitation and/or emission wavelengths can be chosen in order to allow fluorescence imaging. Unwanted background signals like autofluorescence and scattering can decrease the image quality and hence the diagnosis potential of this imaging method. A method involving two excitation and/or emission wavelengths was used in order to suppress the unwanted background signal and allow contrast enhanced fluorescence imaging. A fluorescence imaging device prototype was assembled using both the two wavelength excitation method and the two wavelength emission method. Additionally, a white light source was included to allow the collection of images as seen with the naked eye. The prototype was designed to be affordable and portable and was laid out towards the diagnosis of skin lesions using aminolaevulinic acid-induced protoporphyrin IX (PpIX). This paper describes the excitation and detection characteristics of a fluorescence imaging device prototype. This includes spectral and spatial characteristics of the various light sources included in the device as well as specifications of the image detector used. Furthermore, the image analysis procedure used for the dual wavelength excitation/emission is described.

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