
We developed an adaptive template-matching method for vessel wall boundary detection in brachial artery ultrasound (US) scans. The computer-aided identification of lumen-intima and media-adventitia boundaries of the brachial artery US scan is a critical step for flow-mediated vasodilator response measurement, which has become an increasingly important tool in both clinical and research applications. The adaptive template we propose in this paper is a combination of two parameterized Gaussian envelopes that approximates the US pulse envelope. The algorithm for template matching is cast as a constrained nonlinear least squares problem. A best match between the template and the observed US scan line signal results in a set of optimum parameters of the adaptive template, and the location of the boundaries is directly computed from these parameters. We present the results of applying our method to synthetic and clinical data, showing that the adaptive template-matching method provides superior accuracy in detecting the media-adventitia boundaries of both the near wall and the far wall of the vessel to that of conventional edge-detection methods. (E-mail: psantago@wfubmc.edu)

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