
MUCH of the recent work on the herpetology of Arabia has been the result of efforts by the late Karl P. Schmidt, and the authors dedicate the present paper to the memory of this friend and colleague. During the years 1950 to 1953, several collections of amphibians and reptiles were made by Mr. G. Popov, M.B.E., in southwestern and eastern Arabia and presented to the British Museum (Natural History). Among them were two geckoes apparently new to science. These specimens were examined by a number of herpetologists, including Schmidt. In 1957, when Haas visited him in the U.S., they decided to publish a joint description, together with a list of the other specimens in Popov's collections. Dr. Schmidt's death prevented carrying out this project as originally planned. Popov's collections were made at the following localities (Fig. 1); notes on the localities were made by the collector. Collec196

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