
Although earlier investigations on the tribological behaviour of amcrphous hydrogenated carbon (AHC) films in sliding contact with steel showed encouraging results, four open issues were identified. They were: (a) dependence of friction and wear on humidity (i.e., the friction coefficient and the wear increased with humidity), (b) limitations on film thickness (i.e., films greater than 2 μm thick delaminated due to large compressive stress), (c) deposition of films on substrates other than silicon and (d) lubricant compatibility (i.e., formation of lubricant-derived antiwear films on AHC film surfaces). Steps were taken to address some of these open issues by incorporating silicon in AHC films. Friction and wear tests were conducted on AHC films containing various amounts of silicon. Incorporation of silicon in AHC films rendered the friction coefficients and the wear of a steel counterface insensitive to moisture. Silicon incorporation in AHC films also significantly reduced compressive stress. This allowed deposition of 10 μm thick films. These effects were achieved without any compromise with the friction coefficient and the film wear if the amount of silicon in the film was kept within a certain concentration range. In addition, silicon-containing AHC films were thermally more stable than silicon-free films. Experiments conducted with two lubricants resulted in significantly lower wear of the silicon-free AHC films than that obtained for unlubricated sliding. Similar friction coefficients were obtained for AHC film/steel and steel/steel combinations in lubricated sliding.

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