
Rhodopila globiformis HiPIP has a redox potential (ca. 450 mV) that is 100 mV higher than any other known iron-sulfur protein. The amino acid sequence contains 57 residues and can be aligned with that of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans without any insertions or deletions and is 51% identical. Rp. globiformis HiPIP is also similar to that of Rhodocyclus tenuis, but six- and two-residue gaps must be postulated and there is only 37% identity. Most of the amino acid residues near the iron-sulfur cluster are similar in these two species based on inspection of the three-dimensional structure of Rc. tenuis HiPIP. The reason for the higher redox potential may be a more hydrophilic environment of the Rp. globiformis HiPIP iron-sulfur cluster due to the above two deletions and to substitution of Ser 32 for Gly. Rp. globiformis is unusual in that it has a cytochrome c 2 in addition to the HiPIP, and it too has a very high redox potential. These results suggest that the cytochrome c 2 and HiPIP may function interchangeably and that the species normally resides in a very high potential environment, although it is not known to grow aerobically in the dark.

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