
The Lithuanian-American Conference that took place 1943.9.1-2 in Pittsburgh was referred to as the Lithuanian-American Congress in later historiography. Since delegates from the influential and patriotic U.S. Lithuanian nationalist movement did not participate in that conference, it had less weightier consequences than a Congress might have had. The Conference was called in response to the successes of the Allies (the United States, the Soviet Union, Great Britain) on the European Front and in response to the emerging opportunity to liberate Lithuania from the Nazi occupation. The fact that Leonardas Šimutis, Pijus Grigaitis and other stalwarts of the Lithuanian-American Council (ALT) took the lead in calling this conference reflected their desire to retain and strengthen their own position as leaders of the diaspora community in the struggle for Lithuanian independence. In that period the Lithuanian nationalists in America attempted to unify their ranks so they could effectively participate themselves in efforts to reestablish Lithuania’s independence. But it proved difficult to unite all the Lithuanian patriotic forces in the United States, mainly because the diaspora nationalists (first of all the editor of the weekly “Dirva” newspaper Kazys Karpius) felt offended by the stalwarts of the Lithuanian American Council (ALT), particularly the socialists. The latter did not support President Antanas Smetona, demanded that upon liberation a “democratic Lithuania” be established, incessantly castigated the previous authoritarian regime, and failed to invite the nationalists’ political organization, the Union to Free Lithuania, to the conference. The still active Lithuanian Communists in the United States fully rejected participation in the conference, which their newspapers “Vilnis” and “Laisvė” denounced as an effort to revive “Fascist rule in Lithuania.”[...]

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