ABSTRACT Treatment of tank waste at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington State is one of the largest environmental challenges facing the world today. Processing the actinide rich insoluble solids poses one of the greatest obstacles to achieving long-term stabilization of the tank waste. By volume, the largest insoluble component of sludge is aluminum much of which is in the Southeast quadrant and resulted from de-cladding waste from the PUREX process. The largest single component within these tanks is Gibbsite, Al(OH)3, which poses significant challenges for processing due to the fast-settling times and high solids loading associated with this material. This work describes the testing executed to enable effective and efficient processing of high aluminum waste streams. This work highlights changes in the physical properties of waste streams with high aluminum concentrations, resulting in slower settling rates and lower solids loadings. These changes were accomplished using low temperature (40 °C) aluminum dissolution for simulated tank sludge.
Published Version
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