
Abstract A description is provided for Alternaria longipes . Information is included on the disease caused by the organism, its transmission, geographical distribution, and hosts. HOSTS: On Nicotiana tabacum . DISEASE: Brown spot of tobacco. Symptoms first occur on the lower leaves as small, water-soaked spots, becoming brown, orbicular, zonate, up to 3 cm diam., with the centre becoming lighter lesion is surrounded by a yellow halo, which is absent from spots formed on seedlings. Severe spotting leads to general leaf necrosis and death. The spotting is liable to extend during curing. Symptoms are much less conspicuous on young leaves. Necrotic lesions (halo absent) also occur on petioles, seed capsules and stems, in the later forming dark brown elongated longitudinal depressions. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: Widespread, see CMI Map 63, ed. TRANSMISSION: Air-dispersed conidia are more abundant on dry sunny days but spread by splash droplets probably occurs also. The pathogen is harboured in host debris and is also possibly seedborne.

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