
People with non-specific low back pain (LBP) show hampered performance of dynamic tasks such as sit-to-stance-to-sit movement. However, the underlying mechanisms remain obscure. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess if proprioceptive impairments influence the performance of the sit-to-stance-to-sit movement.First, the proprioceptive steering of 20 healthy subjects and 106 persons with mild LBP was identified during standing using muscle vibration. Second, five sit-to-stance-to-sit repetitions on a stable support and on foam were performed as fast as possible. Total duration, phase duration, center of pressure (COP) displacement, pelvic and thoracic kinematics were analyzed.People with LBP used less lumbar proprioceptive afference for postural control compared to healthy people (P<0.0001) and needed more time to perform the five repetitions in both postural conditions (P<0.05). These time differences were determined in the stance and sit phases (transition phases), but not in the focal movement phases. Moreover, later onsets of anterior pelvic rotation initiation were recorded to start both movement sequences (P<0.05) and to move from sit-to-stance on foam (P<0.05).Decreased use of lumbar proprioceptive afference in people with LBP seemed to have a negative influence on the sit-to-stance-to-sit performance and more specifically on the transition phases which demand more control (i.e. sit and stance). Furthermore, slower onsets to initiate the pelvis rotation to move from sit-to-stance illustrate a decrease in pelvic preparatory movement in the LBP group.

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