
Previous studies have demonstrated variability in the phenotype of rat C6 glioma cells. In the present study, we compared morphology, growth rate, and beta-adrenergic regulation of gene expression in early (P39-47) and late (P55-90) passage C6 cells. Morphological changes were observed in five independently derived, late passage populations. In four of the five, the untreated cells were more polygonal than the fibroblast-like parental cells, and only a small fraction exhibited process outgrowth after dbcAMP treatment. Untreated cells from the fifth late passage population had longer cytoplasmic processes than parental cells and responded to dbcAMP with further process outgrowth. All late passage populations had shorter generation times than the parental cells. In early passage cells, treatment with the beta-adrenergic agonist, isoproterenol (IPR), resulted in an increase in c-fos mRNA and a decrease in c-jun mRNA (Gu-bits RM, Yu H: J Neurosci Res, 30:625-630, 1991). Both of these immediate early gene responses were irreversibly lost between P50 and P55. Additional differences in basal or IPR-induced mRNA levels were observed for beta-APP, GFAP, NGF, and PPE, but not for a number of other mRNAs. These results are discussed in relationship to previously described differences in the ability of early and late passage C6 cells to accumulate cAMP (Mallorga P, et al.: Biochim Biophys Acta 678:221-229, 1981).

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