
The possible involvement of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-related peptides in pentylenetetrazol (PTZ)-induced seizures in rats was investigated. The chemoconvulsant PTZ was administered (45 mg/kg i.p.) either acutely or chronically for three days. The detailed time course of changes in VIP-(1–28) and VIP-(22–28) was examined in several rat brain areas 5 and 20 min and 24 h after acute treatment and after three days chronic treatment. Ir-VIP levels dramatically decreased in all areas 5 min after PTZ injection, remained low after 20 min and progressively increased back to control values after 24 h and after three days of repeated treatment (except for the cortex). Chromatographic analysis of extracts prepared from PTZ-treated rats revealed a concomitant decrease in VIP-(1–28) and increase in VIP-(22–28). Thus VIP-(22–28)might be a product of the internal cleavage of the precursor VIP-(1–28) after its neuronal release; alternatively, VIP-(22–28) might be generated by post-transcriptional processing of VIP-(1–28), and thus be an ‘independent’ neuropeptide. The results suggest VIP-(1–28)/VIP-(22–28)-containing neurons might be involved in PTZ-induced seizures in rat brain, and that VIP-(22–28) might play a role in these experimental seizures.

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