
To define the role of galectin-3 in breast cancer progression, we have used a novel three-dimensional co-culture system that recapitulates in vivo reciprocal functional breast epithelial-endothelial cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions, and examined the expression of galectin-3 mRNA and protein in human breast tumors and xenografts. Galectin-3 is required for the stabilization of epithelial-endothelial interaction networks because immunoneutralization with galectin-3 antibodies abolishes the interactions in a dose-dependent manner. Co-culture of epithelial cells with endothelial cells results in increase in levels of secreted galectin-3 and presence of proteolytically processed form of galectin-3 in the conditioned media. In contrast, intracellular galectin-3 predominantly exists in the intact form. This difference in sensitivity to proteolytic processing of secreted versus intracellular galectin-3 probably arises from differences in accessibility of protease-sensitive sites, levels, and/or type of activated protease(s), and may be indicative of different functional roles for intact and processed galectin-3. To determine whether the proteolytically cleaved galectin-3 retains its ability to bind to endothelial cells, binding assays were performed with the full-length and matrix metallopeoteinase-2-cleaved recombinant galectin-3. Although a dose-dependent increase in binding to human umbilical vein endothelial cells was observed with both full-length and cleaved galectin-3, proteolytically cleaved galectin-3 displayed approximately 20-fold higher affinity for human umbilical vein endothelial cells as compared to the full-length protein. Examination of galectin-3 expression in breast tumors and xenografts revealed elevated levels of galectin-3 mRNA and protein in the luminal epithelial cells of normal and benign ducts, down-regulation in early grades of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), and re-expression in peripheral tumor cells as DCIS lesions progressed to comedo-DCIS and invasive carcinomas. These data suggest that galectin-3 expression is associated with specific morphological precursor subtypes of breast cancer and undergoes a transitional shift in expression from luminal to peripheral cells as tumors progressed to comedo-DCIS or invasive carcinomas. Such a localized expression of galectin-3 in cancer cells proximal to the stroma could lead to increased invasive potential by inducing novel or better interactions with the stromal counterparts.

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