
A study was conducted with seven groups of five to six Holstein-Friesian male calves to evaluate the effect of feeding level during 6 to 14 d of age on energy metabolism of unadapted young calves. Calves were transported at 2 to 3 d of age to their new environment. At 6 d of age measurements of heat production (HP) and ME intake started and continued over a period of 8 d. Calves were fed below (four groups) or near (three groups) the maintenance requirement (19 or 30 g of milk replacer powder.kg-.75.d-1). In contrast to ME intake, HP decreased throughout the experimental period. This decrease was larger at the low than at the high feeding level (3.1 vs .9 kcal.kg-.75.d-2; P less than .001). The relationship between HP and ME intake was estimated as HP = 91 + .318 x ME intake (kilocalories.kilogram-.75.day-1). The decrease in HP, together with the constant ME intake with time, resulted in a time-dependent relationship between HP and ME intake. Estimated basal metabolic rate and efficiency of ME utilization below maintenance decreased with time, whereas the maintenance requirement remained virtually unchanged (134 kcal.kg-.75.d-1). The influence of feeding level on energy metabolism in young calves increased with time. For at least 12 d after transportation the energy metabolism of young calves had not reached steady-state levels.

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