
This study was undertaken with the thought that information of value might be obtained through roentgen examination of the sella turcica of patients with alopecia areata. Our material consisted of 33 unselected cases of alopecia areata of varying extent. There were 22 females and 11 males in this group, with ages ranging from 10 months to 55 years. TECHNIC AND METHOD Lateral views of the sella turcica were taken with an anode-film distance of 36 inches (91 cm.). The sagittal (anteroposterior) and the lateral dimensions of the sella were measured after the manner of Kornblum. 1 The measurements were then corrected for the magnification in the roentgenographic image by the method and according to the tables of Fuchs. 2 RESULTS As gleaned from the table, the average measurements of the sella turcica in 28 patients of this series came within the normal dimensions for their respective age groups

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