
AIM: Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) was associated to Aloe vera to verify the coadjutant action of that medicinal plant in the bone neoformation process in tibia of rats.MATERIAL AND METHOD: 36 male rats (Rattus norvegicus) were used, divided into two groups of 18 rats each. Two circumferential bone defects with approximately 5 mm in diameter were made on the right tibia of each animal: the upper defect was filled with blood coagulates in both groups to serve as experimental control and the lower defect was filled with MTA and Aloe vera in experimental (group E1) and MTA and distilled water in experimental (group E2). Seven, 15 and 30 days after surgery, six animals from each group were euthanized and the right tibia of each animal was removed for histological analysis.RESULT: Histologically, experimental group E1 presented better results for the two variables, inflammation [at seven days (p=0.045)] and bone formation [at seven days (p=0.018) and 30 days (p=0.034)], compared to the E2 group.CONCLUSION: The association of MTA and Aloe vera showed potential to reduce the effects of the inflammatory cascade and promote bone neoformation making it to a promising proposal for future use in endodontic therapy.


  • There has been much scientific research to find substances with chemical, physical or biological properties capable of promoting tissue repair

  • The animals were divided into two groups of 18 animals each: experimental group 1 (E1), which was tested Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) associated with Aloe vera and experimental group 2 (E2), wich was used MTA with distilled water

  • The inflammatory process due to the surgical trauma seven days after the bone defect, was high and similar among the groups. This inflammatory reaction contributes positively to forming the bone callus, neovascularization and is due mainly to growth factors such as FGF, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), PDGF, TGF, released especially by the coagulate formed in the first inflammatory phase[13]

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There has been much scientific research to find substances with chemical, physical or biological properties capable of promoting tissue repair. Conceived to seal communications between the tooth and the external periodontal surface, this material was a great advance in the development of tissue repair techniques in dentistry[1]. The marginal adaptation properties, ability to induce cementogenesis and osteogenesis, antimicrobial capacity, biocompatibility, radiopacity, absence of cytotoxicity and sealing properties conferred by this material has been shown[2]. Its clinical use could be widened because of these characteristics, Rev Odontol UNESP. 2014 Sep.-Oct.; 43(5): 299-304 as in pulpotomy, direct pulp capping, apexifications, sealing perforation, retro-restorations and endodontic complications such as root and furcation perforation[3]. Regarding the MTA, manufacturers recommend the use of distilled water as vehicle. Other vehicles have been tested for use in combination with MTA4,5

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