
<div><p><em>Vitex negundo L. [Verbenaceae] and Ricinus communis L. [Euphorbiaceae], are especially well known for their industrial, pharmacological, and toxicological properties, but to date very little is known about their allelopathic potential. Hence the present study was conducted to evaluate their allelopathic perspectives on morphological characters of invasive alien weed Cassia uniflora Mill. Various concentrations [5%, 10%, 15% and 20%] of leaf leachates of selected plants were used as spray to test their effect on pot culture of test species. Results of present study indicated that the growth of plant was significantly inhibited in Cassia at all concentration of aqueous leaf leachates of selected plants when compared to control. Length of root and shoot, number of flowers, fruits and seeds of the weed was reduced with the increase in leaf leachates concentration. Dry weight and fresh weight of the weed were also negatively affected by aqueous leaf leachates of both the plants. The effect of Vitex leaf leachates was more pronounced than that of Ricinus. Since Vitex leaf leachates had greater activity than Ricinus against the invader, this plant could be best candidate for isolation and identification of allelochemicals, this might promote the discovery of new biocontrol for invasive weeds. </em></p></div>

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