
The subject of the study is the contact interaction of deformable elements of linear complementarity problem (LCP). To solve the linear complementarity problem, the Lemke method with the introduction of an increasing parameter of external loading is used. The proposed approach solves the degenerated matrix in a finite number of steps, while the dimensionality of the problem is limited to the area of contact. To solve the problem, the initial table of the Lemke method is generated using the contact matrix of stiffness and the contact load vector. The unknowns in the problem are mutual displacements and interaction forces of contacting pairs of points of deformable solids. The proposed approach makes it possible to evaluate the change in working schemes as the parameter of external load increases. The features of the proposed formulation of the problem are shown, the criteria for stopping the stepwise process of solving such problems are considered. Model examples for the proposed algorithm are given. The algorithm has shown its efficiency in application, including for complex model problems. Recommendations on the use of the proposed approach are given.

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