
This study analyzes the relationship between physical and chemical factors and the algal communities in tropical streams in micro-watersheds where >70% of their area has different land uses, specifically, cloud mountain forest, coffee plantations, and livestock pastures. Physical, chemical, and biological variables were measured monthly in each stream over a 1-year period. The concentrations of nitrates + nitrites, total suspended solids (TSS), and silica in the streams were found to differ during the dry and rainy seasons. Coffee-plantation streams showed the highest levels of suspended solids, nitrates + nitrites, and sulfates. Based on chlorophyll a concentration, the forest and coffee-plantation streams are oligo-mesotrophic, while pasture streams are meso-eutrophic. Forest streams displayed the lowest levels of richness and algal diversity, followed by coffee-plantation streams, whereas pasture streams were the most diverse. Chlorophyll a concentration and species richness depended on land use and season. Forest coverage was positively correlated with acidophilous and oligo-eutraphentic diatom species. Coffee coverage displayed a significant positive correlation with motile species and a significant negative correlation with pollution-sensitive diatom taxa. The results show that diatom assemblages responded to micro-watershed conditions and can be used to monitor the effects of land use on streams in tropical regions.

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