
The paper presents the basic ideas of Aleksandar Bilimovic in the field of economic science which he elaborated in his works in the Serbian language between the two world wars. These are primarily the ideas he developed in his books Drustvo, drzava i privreda (Society, State and Economy) and Uvod u ekonomsku nauku (Introduction to the Economic Science), then in numerous treatises and articles he published in various magazines: Arhiv za pravne i drustvene nauke, Narodno blagostanje, Ekonomist, Srpske knjizevni glasnik and others. Belimovic?s work includes the entire corpus of economic science which is obvious from the review of his most important works in the Serbian language. In them, in addition to the other economic topics, the author specially investigates his opinions about agricultural co-operation. The author also points out to Belimovic?s constant endeavor to take into account the Russian economic thought, too. Due to his great erudition, excellent insight into economic science and profession, richness of ideas, as well as to his understanding and interpretation of economic phenomena, Bilimovic?s opus by far surpassed the national borders and achieved European significance by its value. With his opus, the Serbian economic science was raised above its national boundaries. In the paper in a specific example, the author also points out to Bilimovic?s excellent knowledge of contemporary philosophical theories. At the end, the paper also presents a review of Bilimovic?s scientific and professional engagement outside economic field.

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