
By employing techniques familiar to particle physicists, we develop Kauffman’s state model for the Jones polynomial, which uses diagrams looking like Feynman diagrams for scattering, into a systematic, diagrammatic approach to new link polynomials. We systematize the ansatz for S matrix by symmetry considerations and find a natural interpretation for CPT symmetry in the context of knot theory. The invariance under Reidemeister moves of type III, II and I can be imposed diagrammatically step by step, and one obtains successively braid group representations, regular isotopy and ambient isotopy invariants from Kauffman’s bracket polynomials. This procedure is explicitiy carried out for the N=3 and 4 cases. N being the number of particle labels (or charges). With appropriate symmetry ansatz and with annihilation and creation included in the S matrix, we have obtained link polynomials which generalize the definition of the Akutzu-Wadati polynomials from closed braids to any oriented knots or links with explicit invariance under Reidemeister moves.

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