
Bitter melon is one of fruit that have pharmacological effects such as an anticancer which potentially active on breast cancer cell MCF-7. The aim of this study was to compare the potential cytotoxic activity between ethanol extract of pare and the results of ethanol, ethyl acetate and n-hexane fraction on MCF-7 breast cancer cells and to determine the class of compounds contained in each sample. Pare’s powder was extracted with maceration method in 80% ethanol solvent and then continue to fractionated in 96% ethanol, ethyl acetate and hexane solvent. Extract and fractions were continue to cytotoxic assay using the MTT assay method. Cytotoxic test results showed that the ethanolic extract had no potential cytotoxic activity. Ethyl acetate fraction with the highest concentration 16 µg/mL has the highest potential inhibition 43,87% on MCF-7 cells population. Extract and fractions than continue to phytochemical screening with Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) method. TLC detection showed that n-hexane fraction contained more compound groups than ethanolic extract, ethanolic-water fraction and ethyl acetate fraction.


  • Bitter melon is one of fruit that have pharmacological effects such as an anticancer which potentially active on breast cancer cell MCF-7

  • determine the class of compounds contained in each sample

  • Pare's powder was extracted with maceration method in 80% ethanol solvent

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Bahan utama yang digunakan pada tahap preparasi sampel adalah buah pare yang kulitnya berwarna hijau muda yang diperoleh dari Pasar Boloh, Toroh, Grobogan, Jawa Tengah, selanjutnya dicuci dengan 10 L akuades. Sisa larutan ekstrak etanol yang sudah selesai digojog dengan pelarut n-heksana kemudian ditambahkan 50 mL etil asetat, dan diulangi sampai 4 kali. Kontrol perlakuan mengandung 5 seri konsentrasi ekstrak etanol 80% buah pare (15,63; 31,25; 62,5; 125; 250 μg/mL), fraksi etanol-air, fraksi etil asetat, fraksi n-heksana (1; 2; 4; 8; 16 μg/mL), media DMEM serta sel MCF-7. Larutan kontrol perlakuan dibuat dengan melarutkan 10 mg ekstrak etanol dan ketiga fraksi dalam tabung mikro 1,5 mL, selanjutnya dilarutkan dengan 100 μL larutan DMSO hingga larut sempurna kemudian ditambahkan 900 μL media DMEM (Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium) yang mengandung penisilin-streptomisin 1 mL dan. Skrining fitokimia yang ideal dilakukan dalam kondisi lempeng KLT ukurannya sama dan mendapatkan perlakuan yang sama, penotolan sampel dan proses elusi KLT dilaksanakan secara bersamaan

Kontrol positif metotreksat
Hitam Fenol dan tanin
Daftar Pustaka
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